A reminder as fitness studios and gyms re-open

To my Wolfpack,

I know there is a LOT of excitement about gyms and fitness studios reopening - and I for one can not WAIT to see my team and members again, and be in a room full of energy and excitement!

But…I’ll be honest…I’m also a little bit nervous. Because my fitness levels have TANKED over the past year, and I did one workout last week, and it nearly destroyed me. I left frustrated with myself, for how far I have fallen.

I walked away that day and I did some self-reflection, that I want to share with you now:

The last year was the most challenging of my life. I experienced varying levels of grief, depression, and anxiety. My body and my system were in survival mode - not growth mode (except for my midsection - which definitely grew!). And then I thought of a meme I recently saw that said “GIRRRLLL….I just helped you survive a pandemic and you’re mad at the way I look??!!”

This year was full of a LOT of growth, in the form of new skills, mental resilience, and self-love, and that is priceless. So what if my physical strength and endurance took a hit? I know what needs to be done to get back to where I want to be, and I know I can do it, because I’ve done it before.

So, before you head in for your first class or workout back, I encourage you to do the following:

  1. Thank your body for helping you survive the past 16 months, and for allowing space for new mental and emotional growth. That sh*t does NOT come easy, and is almost always the result of intense challenge (ironically not dissimilar from the process of physical gains!)

  2. Do some self-reflection - do you WANT to go back to your pre-pandemic fitness routine? Was it sustainable, and making you feel healthy and alive? Or is there space for you to adjust your routine, your goals, or your schedule? Do you need more yoga or rest days? Is it time to shift your mindset from “max caloric burn” to “movement because it feels good”?

  3. Assess your expectations for what your “comeback” is going to look like. That could mean giving yourself permission to take walk breaks, or pick up lighter weights in class. It should absolutely mean gently introducing how many workouts you do in a week, how intense your sessions are, and allowing more time for recovery between workouts.

And finally, when you are in your workout (and after), clap for your damn self! If you catch yourself drifting toward a negative or self-critical mindset during a workout, try to shift your focus to your strong legs, arms, and lungs that are working hard. Be proud of yourself for simply showing up, and trust that if you want to get back to where you were physically, you will - your body already knows the way. But your mind and heart will be stronger than ever.

Because you are a survivor. And you are already stronger than you think.

See you in the blue room! I'll be the one walking, sweating, and smiling.

PS - Have you had similar thoughts or fears? Need advice, a sweat date, or a listening ear? I'd love to hear from you - hit reply!

Steve Park