Baselines + PR's - why CrushCamp offers Focus Months

Speed, Endurance, Power - focus months have been part of the CRUSH class since nearly the beginning.


Because many people are motivated by seeing progress - it’s human nature to want to see improvement and growth when you work hard, whether in a sport, at work, or in a relationship. Historically, scales have often been used as a measure of progress, but we think your weight is the least interesting thing about you, and one of the worst indicators of health, strength, and hard work.

And thus we invented focus months.

Here’s how they work:

A focus month is 4 weeks long, starting on a Monday (typically the first Monday of the month), and broken down into 4 weeks - Baseline, Build, Push, PR. You are encouraged to find your baseline in Week 1, build your strength by consistently attending classes in weeks 2 and 3, and then go all-out to crush your PR (Personal Record) in Week 4.

There are 3 focuses at CrushCamp, each seen 3x/year:

SPEED - this is the max speed you can hit in a 10-second sprint

ENDURANCE - the max distance you can achieve in a 4-minute run

POWER - the max wattage you can achieve in a high push

WILDCARD - This is a “de-load” month - a mix of class types before we head back into Speed

Everyone is invited to participate in focus months, whether it’s your first class or your 500th. There is a chalkboard pillar in the studio so you can remember your score, and cross it out as you beat it. They are, of course, optional - if you don’t want to go all-out or write your number down on the chalkboard, you don’t have to - but you are encouraged to celebrate your own success, and the success of your fellow sweat mates. You would be amazed at how much improvement you can see in only a few short weeks.

Ready? Set? Let’s Crush some PR’s! Click here to book your next class