Meet Glenna: Finding fitness + community over 50


Our neighbours are truly the best - we were impressed the first time the entire dental office next door all came to sweat together. But then when they signed up for the Iron Wolf Challenge together, and continued with memberships together - wow! We knew Riverwalk Dental were something special.

Meet Glenna - the hygienist of #teamteeth and an inspiration to everyone around her. She shares her story below…

In the summer of 2019, my co-workers and I at Riverwalk Dental, decided we would join the new gym when it opened up next door.  Since moving to Calgary a few years ago, I had become a pretty dedicated cyclist, enjoying the fabulous pathways here in the city.  I had decided this year, when fair weather biking season ended, I needed to do something to stay active through the winter.  As well, I wanted to step up my activity level with the hopes of losing some weight before my son's upcoming summer wedding.  Perhaps this "gym thing" might be the ticket.

In October, 2019, it was time to join Crush Camp.  My thoughts were:  "But wait!!!!  I am not 25 and I don't look good in yoga pants.  I am over 50 and overweight.  I have never done a HIIT class before and I don't even know what a Skill Mill is!  What the heck was I thinking?".  I was still asking myself this question as I stood in front of the building, as I put my hand on the door to open it, and as I walked in and said hello.

Fast forward (or lots of sweat forward) to February 2020.  I have answered my own question, "What the heck was I thinking?".  My answer?  "I'm thinking I had the best thought I've had in a very long time!".

From the moment I walked through the door of Crush Camp, I have felt as though I belonged.  I was not sure what to expect, and I certainly was out of my comfort zone, but I quickly discovered there is no judgement, no preconceived notion of who 'fits', no hint of doubt that you cannot accomplish your goals, and no lack of enthusiasm for you and your goals.  I have met some pretty amazing people who are both inspirational and supportive.  Every single person at Crush is at a different level of ability and fitness.  Every single person has a different set of goals.  AND every single person "fits" here!   I have met some great people I am proud to now call friends!  (Thanks 6am crew for the birthday festivities!)

Emily, and her band of merry making coaches and staff, have created a fun and very special community.  Their community welcomes, with a huge smile, every single person who walks through the door, and they share the excitement of your progress and your success.  I am so happy I found them.  

My co-workers and I are fully engaged in the fun and sweat at Crush Camp.  We have even been dubbed "team teeth"!  We have very much found a community and have been known to share the love of this place with everyone who will listen.  

I bought an unlimited membership and I participate in 5 or 6 classes each week.  I have lost both weight and inches, but more importantly, I have found a lifestyle I love. I am confident that I will reach my goals and that I will feel great at the wedding this summer!  

My only caution is that it becomes quite addictive!  Feeling great and enjoying time with fun people are the by-products of this positive atmosphere! 

There are worse addictions ;) Click here to join us for 30-days!